Install Swift Panel With Game Guide Vps Centos

Swift Panel In ROOT

To Install Swift Panel With Game In Root Follow The Steps

Step One—Install Apache

STEP 1 - sudo yum install httpd
STEP 2 - sudo service httpd start

Step Two—Install MySQL

STEP 1 - yum install mysql-server
STEP 2 - /sbin/chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
STEP 3 - service mysqld start
STEP 4 - mysql_secure_installation
STEP 5 - press ENTER
STEP 6 - Set Root Password(when it ask)
STEP 7 - Remove anonymous users?(when it ask) [Y/n] y
STEP 8 - Disallow root login remotely?(when it ask)[Y/n] n
STEP 9 - Remove test database and access to it?(when it ask) [Y/n] y
STEP 10 - Reload privilege tables now?(when it ask) [Y/n] y
STEP 11 - mysql -u root -p (then login with ur pw that u set)
STEP 13 - CREATE USER 'gpanel'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'gpanel1';
STEP 14 - GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gpanel.* TO 'gpanel'@localhost;
STEP 15 - use gpanel;
STEP 16 - exit

Step Three—Install PHP

STEP 1 - yum install php
STEP 2 - yum search php
STEP 3 - yum install php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mbstring php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc
STEP 4 - yum install php-pecl-apc
STEP 5 - /etc/init.d/httpd restart
STEP 6 - service httpd restart

Step Four—Install Ioncube Loader

STEP 1 - wget -q -O - |sh
STEP 2 - yum install php-ioncube-loader
STEP 3 - service httpd restart

Step Five—Setup FTP Server

STEP 1 - yum install -y vsftpd
STEP 2 - service vsftpd start
STEP 3 - chkconfig vsftpd on
STEP 4 - vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf (then a file will be opened in console so edit they following things :-

Press INSERT in your keyborad to start editing
use_localtime=YES(add this like at last)
Press ESC in ur keyboard to stop editing
Press [Shift+;] in ur keyborad then write "wq"[without ""] to save and exit

STEP 5 - service vsftpd restart
STEP 6 - chmod -R 777 /home

Step Six—Install SSH2

STEP 1 - yum install automake
STEP 2 - yum install php-devel
STEP 3 - yum install libtool
STEP 4 - yum install openssl-devel
STEP 5 - yum install gcc-c++
STEP 6 - cd /usr/src
STEP 7 - wget
STEP 8 - tar -zxf libssh2-1.3.0.tar.gz
STEP 9 - cd libssh2-1.3.0
STEP 10 - yum install gcc php-devel php-pear libssh2 libssh2-devel
STEP 11 - ./configure
STEP 12 - make all install
STEP 13 - cd /usr/src
STEP 14 - rm -rf libssh2-1.3.0
STEP 15 - rm -rf libssh2-1.3.0.tar.gz
STEP 16 - cd /usr/lib64/php
STEP 17 - wget
STEP 18 - tar -zxf ssh2-0.11.3.tgz
STEP 19 - cd ssh2-0.11.3
STEP 20 - phpize && ./configure --with-ssh2 && make
STEP 21 - cd modules
STEP 22 - mv /usr/lib64/php/modules
STEP 23 - cd /usr/lib64/php
STEP 24 - rm -rf ssh2-0.11.3.tgz
STEP 25 - rm -rf ssh2-0.11.3
STEP 26 - touch /etc/php.d/ssh2.ini
STEP 27 - echo > /etc/php.d/ssh2.ini
STEP 28 - /etc/init.d/httpd restart
STEP 29 - php -m | grep ssh2

Step Seven—Install CS 1.6 and CSCZ

STEP 1 - cd /root
STEP 2 - yum install vsftpd screen nano unzip -y
STEP 3 - mkdir -p /game/public
STEP 4 - rm -rf /game/public/*
STEP 5 - yum install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686
STEP 6 - mkdir ~/steamcmd
STEP 7 - cd ~/steamcmd
STEP 8 - wget
STEP 9 - tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
STEP 10 - rm -rf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
STEP 11 - ./
STEP 12 - login anonymous
STEP 13 - force_install_dir /game/public
STEP 14 - app_update 90 beta validate
SETP 15 - app_update 90 validate
STEP 16 - app_set_config 90 mod czero
STEP 17 - app_update 90
STEP 18 - app_update 90
STEP 19 - app_update 90 -validate
STEP 20 - exit
STEP 21 - cd /game/public
STEP 22 - wget
STEP 23 - unzip
STEP 24 - rm -rf
STEP 25 - mv dproto.cfg /game/public/cstrike
STEP 26 - wget
STEP 27 - unzip
STEP 28 - rm -rf
STEP 29 - mv dproto.cfg /game/public/czero
STEP 30 - cd /root
STEP 31 - rm -rf steamcmd
STEP 32 - rm -rf Steam

Step Eight—Download and Setup Swift Panel

STEP 1 - cd /var/www/html
STEP 2 - wget
STEP 3 - unzip
STEP 4 - rm -rf
STEP 5 - chmod -R 777 templates_c
STEP 6 - Now ur open root ip address with your browser with /install. eg. Open
STEP 7 - Follow the steps and at last it will show u admin Id and Password
STEP 8 - rm -rf install
STEP 9 - Now login Admin Account and open Manage Games
STEP 10 - Open Counter Strike 1.6
STEP 11 - Change Max Fps to 1024 and Pingboost to 2
STEP 12 - Change Install Directiry to /game/public and remove "-autoupdate" line from start command
STEP 13 - Now open Counter Strike-Condition Zero
STEP 14 - Change Max Fps to 1024 and Pingboost to 2 and map to de_dust2_cz
STEP 15 - Change Install Directiry to /game/public and remove "-autoupdate" line from start command
STEP 16 - Click and add Box with your root login details.

Your Swift Panel Is Now Ready And You Can Create CS and CZ Server Now